To meet, inspired and get inspired.PechaKucha is a global series of live events held worldwide where people can meet, inspire and get inspired, based on a format that is fast-paced and fun. Twelve inspiring minds will be giving a unique insight into their latest work and ideas in 20 slides x 20 seconds.
In Vancouver, PechaKucha Night is a fun and informal hour and a half of culture, ideas, creativity, passion and opinions. It’s a place to share your thoughts, gather as a creative community and have a good time.
PechaKucha Vancouver is supported by a team of volunteers. They run PechaKucha Nights only for the inspiration, love, and fun of it. PechaKucha Night is for CONTENT and not profit. We want to create a social event where there are people, conversation, beer, and creative fun.
Visiting for more infomation.